Can add new rows to a repeatable grid when its visibility is set to false

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Can add new rows to a repeatable grid when its visibility is set to false


I have the following scenario:

A repeatable grid whose visibility depends on a radio button switch: it can be controlled to be true or false.

When the grid is not visible, I can click the "+" button repeatedly, and create new rows in the background, which will be shown when the visibility is switched back to "true".

Is there a way to completely disable the grid, and re-enable it on demand ?

Thank you.
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Re: Can add new rows to a repeatable grid when its visibility is set to false

Alessandro  Vernet

Yes, this is a known issue; see the link below. Right now, the grid visibility applies to the iterations inside the grid, not to the grid. There are cases where you'd like to selectively hide iterations (i.e. lines), but in most cases what we want is to hide the whole grid. For now, this isn't possible using grid settings.

A workaround consists in putting your grid in a section, maybe using a nested section, and setting the visibility of that section, instead of the visibility of the grid. I hope this will work for you.

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