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Calling a bean from Xforms

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Calling a bean from Xforms

javi cerro
15 posts
Hello every body,

I have a bean create in the following directory: /WEB-INF/classes/com/bean/mybean.java and I want to call it from a xform. When the called is finish, the bean returns a users name and I want to show this list in the xform view. How I can do it?

Javier Cerro

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Re: Calling a bean from Xforms

61 posts
Hi javi,

> I have a bean create in the following directory:
> /WEB-INF/classes/com/bean/mybean.java and I want to call it from a
> xform. When the called is finish, the bean returns a users name and I
> want to show this list in the xform view. How I can do it?

maybe the delegation processor does what you want to  achieve:



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