I configured Orbeon Forms (v 4.0.0.m7.201207162324 PE) as described here:
http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/doc/developer-guide/form-runner/oracle-and-mysql-persistence-layers#TOC-Oracle2If you set oxf.fr.persistence.oracle.create-flat-view to true, a view for a form is generated as expected but a value for a field is not correctly extracted.
The reason for that is a suffix "-control" that is added to a section's name.
Let's say my section's name is: "firstSection"
and my field's name in this section is: "firstControl"
then a value to be extracted is so generated: extractValue(xml, '/*/firstSection-control/firstControl')
There is no workaround for this because if you name your section "firstSection-control", you will get:
extractValue(xml, '/*/firstSection-control-control/firstControl')
Bartek Gawel