Binding different control values by their name

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Binding different control values by their name

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Hi everybody!
We are coding our form in Form Builder by binding different control values by their name. For example: formdata.xml
Actually we need xml data like that: outputdata.xml.
As you see in outputdata.xml, control with name
 binded with control which name  is
An so on. A_3 with B3, ..., A_n with Bn (n - number)
We did this by using XSLT tranform technology. Calling jsp with workflow-button-send.
It's hard to coding our form. Because we can make a mistake. How can we make it easy. We are thinking about auto name for some section.
For example: How can we do auto name for created controls in some section. (every control's name begins with A_1, A_2, A_3, and so on and respectively in different section controls names with B1, B2, B3, B4?

Or maybe is there any other technique to get data.xml like in outputdata.xml? Thank you in advance!
what about xpl processor?