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Back button only works if form is validated

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Back button only works if form is validated

44 posts
Hi all,
at first congratulation for ois release 3.0!

The Bizdoc online example shows wath I mean. If you are in detail-form there is a back button, which should take you to summary view. But thats only working, if the form is filled correct.

How can I solve this behavior?


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Re: Back button only works if form is validated

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
First, thanks!

The behavior you are seeing is due to the fact that the "Back" button,
for historical reasons (the original "BizDoc" example) actually
submitted the form using the "main" submission to communicate to the
page flow the fact that a server-side "back" action had to be performed.
If the form was invalid, submission failes with an xforms-submit-error,
and you were unable to go back to the Summary page.

To fix this, you need to implement the first "Back" trigger differently.
In fact this is almost trivial, for example:

       <xforms:load ev:event="DOMActivate" resource="/bizdoc2"/>

You can also remove this from the page flow:

   <action when="/form/action = 'back'">

The <action/> element in the detail page's "main-instance" instance is
also now useless, and the instance schema no longer needs to include
that element.

I updated the code in the CVS to reflect this.


[hidden email] wrote:
> Hi all,
> at first congratulation for ois release 3.0!
> The Bizdoc online example shows wath I mean. If you are in detail-form there is a back button, which should take you to summary view. But thats only working, if the form is filled correct.
> How can I solve this behavior?
> Thanks
> Clemens

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