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Attribute in custom control

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Attribute in custom control

30 posts

I created a custom control, and would like to send a value into it using attribute. The data type of the attribute is a URL which later will be used in <xforms:submission> to load the data inside XBL. I access the value of attribute inside custom control's XBL as follows:
<xf:var name="fetchurl" xbl:attr="xbl:text=fetch-url"/>

In <xforms:submission> I access the 'fetchurl' as follows:
<xforms:submission id="get-items" method="get" resource="$resource" replace="instance" instance="my-instance" serialization="none" />

However, this usage throws exception. What is the correct way to access attributes and use them in 'submission'?


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Re: Attribute in custom control

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
Is your model under <xbl:implementation> or <xbl:template>?

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Re: Attribute in custom control

30 posts
Hi Erik,
My model is under <xbl:template>.
Can you also please tell me what is the difference in declaring the model under <xbl:implementation> or <xbl:template>?


Erik Bruchez wrote
Is your model under <xbl:implementation> or <xbl:template>?

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Re: Attribute in custom control

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
If under <xbl:implementation>, there is no template language (XSLT or XBL <content> or attr) applid.

If under <xbl:template>, the model, like the controls, goes through the template system. So you can customize it a bit more.

Unless needed, it's better if the model remains outside the template.

Here, with the model under xbl:template, you should be able to write:

<xforms:submission xbl:attr="resource=fetch-url" .../>
