Appending form PDF using Orbeon

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Appending form PDF using Orbeon

I've embedded Orbeon forms in our system. The UI consists of a sidebar that contains the available Orbeon form names. On clicking the form name, the Orbeon form is displayed. However, the sidebar is still present and on clicking any other Orbeon form name, that particular form is displayed.

I want to implement the following functionality. I would like to put a button 'Print All' at the bottom of my screen. It would print all the forms that are present in the Sidebar and each form will contain all of its uploaded file attachments. Of course, this functionality is not present in Orbeon. But there's 'Print' process that can print one form.

I can iterate over all the present Orbeon forms and make their 'Print' button click using javascript. But I see two potential issue:

1) While making the API call to embedd the Actual Orbeon form, it needs the objects of HttpServletRequest and Writer objects. I understand the need for these parameters. But while iterating over the forms, there's no need to display each form on the UI. Just iterate over them and make the print button click.

2) If the #1 can be resolved, I want the individual form PDF's to be merged into a single PDF file. The default behavior or Orbeon Print process is to open the PDF file in the same tab. Is there a way to get these individual PDF's and merge them together?

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Re: Appending form PDF using Orbeon

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Kush,

I'd really recommend you do this from the backend, where you can also use a
PDF library that takes the PDFs Orbeon Forms generates and assemble them.

We have an RFE to add an API to generate PDFs (see link below). I've added a
+1 from you on that RFE. Note that the RFE includes 2 methods to generate
the PDF: they are both user-facing, but it might still be something that you
can leverage from the backend.


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