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Accessing parameter with dynamic value in xbl component

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Accessing parameter with dynamic value in xbl component

93 posts

I want to pass a parameter with a dynamic value to my xbl component. I tried it as described in http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/doc/developer-guide/xbl-components-guide#TOC-Parameters-.
But I can't figure out how to access the parameter in the xbl component?

If I use a parameter with a static value, following code works to access the parameter:
<xf:var name="param1" xbl:attr="xbl:text=param1" />
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Re: Accessing parameter with dynamic value in xbl component

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Martin,

We've built some utility code to deal with that sort of parameters. You can see how it is called here, e.g. in <xsl:copy-of select="xxbl:parameter(., 'mindate')"/>:


But this might be more complicated than what you need. Could you give us an example of what using your XBL component would look like?

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Re: Accessing parameter with dynamic value in xbl component

93 posts
Hi Alex,

In my XBL component I want to display different input fields according to a parameter.
If I use a parameter with a static value my component looks as follows:
<xbl:binding id="my-testcomponent" element="my|testcomponent>
        <xf:var name="param1" xbl:attr="xbl:text=param1" />
        <xf:group ref="if($param1 = 'value1') then $form-instance else () appearance="xxf:internal">
            <!-- some input fields -->
        <xf:group ref="if($param1 = 'value2') then $form-instance else () appearance="xxf:internal">
            <!-- other input fields -->

<!-- Usage of component -->
<my:testcomponent param1="value1"/>

If I want to use a dynamic value for the parameter, according to the documentation I pass it as follows:
    <my:param1 = "./defaultvalue"/>
My question now is how to access this parameter in the XBL component?
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Re: Accessing parameter with dynamic value in xbl component

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Martin,

Try this:

1. Use XSLT in your XBL: <xbl:template xxbl:transform="oxf:unsafe-xslt">. (For the full code, see the example linked below.)
2. In the XSLT, include xbl.xsl: <xsl:import href="oxf:/oxf/xslt/utils/xbl.xsl"/>.
3. Also add <xsl:copy-of select="xxbl:parameter(., 'param1')"/>
4. To reference the value of param1, just use $param1.
5. (If you need to have JavaScript code called when the value changes, you can also define your own function which will be automatically called when that happens.).

And you can see an example where this is done (except for number 4 above) in:


I hope this helps,

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Re: Accessing parameter with dynamic value in xbl component

93 posts
Thanks Alex, it helped me a lot. Now it works fine!