autosuggest in xforms:repeat ?

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autosuggest in xforms:repeat ?


I am attempting to create a repeating xform set (xforms:repeat) where the repeating input fields can use a javascript autosuggest function (see for the script I want to use ).

Has anyone done this ?  For me trips to the server ala AJAX are not necessary as the list of options is fixed.

My attemps have failed at the point where the java script is using <input id="txt1" type="text"/>.  <xforms:input ...> does not seem to like the 'id' property.


John C.

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Re: autosuggest in xforms:repeat ?

Alessandro  Vernet
--- [hidden email] wrote:
> I am attempting to create a repeating xform set (xforms:repeat) where
> the repeating input fields can use a javascript autosuggest function
> (see
> for the script I want to use ).
> Has anyone done this ?  For me trips to the server ala AJAX are not
> necessary as the list of options is fixed.

AFAIK, nobody has done that yet. The idea would be to do this in the OPS
XForms engine, so a developer could just use a <xforms:select1
select="open" appearance="minimal">. If you write some code to this
effect, please let us know. That would make a nice contribution to the OPS
XForms engine.


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