attribute to enforce XPL processor execution

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attribute to enforce XPL processor execution

Somewhere in your doc I've read that OPS engine for XPL "starts from the finish", i.e. analyses provided xpl starting from its result and going back to each processor output. What it gives me in reality is that a processor whose output is never used - never executed. I have some web services calls during xpl execution. As you can guess not every WS response could be usefull - just call for it might be enough.
Of course there are lots of "dirty" solutions (I've used fake ref to XPL output). But maybe some attribute like "enforce" could be more clean here?


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RE: attribute to enforce XPL processor execution

Stephen Bayliss
You can connect an output to an oxf:null-serializer processor to force
the processor to run.

We're in the process of implementing asynchronous services (ie with a
callback) implemented with OPS pipelines, and have used this technique
in places.

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 28 June 2006 14:27
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [ops-users] attribute to enforce XPL processor execution

Somewhere in your doc I've read that OPS engine for XPL "starts from the
finish", i.e. analyses provided xpl starting from its result and going
back to each processor output. What it gives me in reality is that a
processor whose output is never used - never executed. I have some web
services calls during xpl execution. As you can guess not every WS
response could be usefull - just call for it might be enough.
Of course there are lots of "dirty" solutions (I've used fake ref to XPL
output). But maybe some attribute like "enforce" could be more clean


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Re: attribute to enforce XPL processor execution

Erik Bruchez
In reply to this post by ozenzin

 > Somewhere in your doc I've read that OPS engine for XPL "starts from
 > the finish", i.e. analyses provided xpl starting from its result and
 > going back to each processor output. What it gives me in reality is
 > that a processor whose output is never used - never executed. I have
 > some web services calls during xpl execution. As you can guess not
 > every WS response could be usefull - just call for it might be
 > enough.

 > Of course there are lots of "dirty" solutions (I've used fake ref to
 > XPL output). But maybe some attribute like "enforce" could be more
 > clean here?

The cleanest "dirty solution" atm is to use oxf:null-serializer to
read unused outputs. It's three lines of code:

<p:processor name="oxf:null-serializer">
   <p:input name="data" href="#output-you-want-to-read"/>

It would probably be ok to add an attribute instead on the unconnected
output, which would allow getting rid of the oxf:null-serializer

As you may or may not know, we are currently working at W3C with the
so-called XProc working group, which is in charge of standardizing an
XML processing language (AKA XML pipeline language). While we are
working on that, we don't want to make too many additions to XPL, so
such enhancements are likely to be low-priority for us at the moment.


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