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Repeated Grid Issue

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Repeated Grid Issue

I have used the repeated grid. I want to populate the data list in the orbeon
form. But, I don't know how to bind the data into Orbeon form builder. Can
you please give me the example or suggestion?  
For Example: I have one textbox in repeated grid. whose mapping code is:
formData.put("firstName", PI.getFirstName());
Above line is wrrittten in for loop.
So, for now, what should be the entry or configuration for Orbeon form
repeated_grid.png <http://discuss.orbeon.com/file/t375639/repeated_grid.png>  
Please find attachment. I have configure as you seen in image. Can you
please suggest me the proper example or suggestion?

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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

Alessandro  Vernet
Are you saying that you would like to create rows in the repeated grid, and
populate the fields there using what is returned by one of your services? If
so, unfortunately this isn't supported, and we have the following RFE to
cover this:



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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

In Form builder, I have created the repeated grid. in repeated the grid, there were 2-3 textboxes for first name, middle name, last name. Now I have 5 users and I want to display all 5 users details using the repeated grid. Can you please give me the explanation graphically?, So i can easily understand. Can you please tell me, what should be the entry for form data("first name","name")? what should be mapping entry in advance-->actions tab?

Thanks, Ashish 

On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 3:18:55 AM UTC+5:30, Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Are you saying that you would like to create rows in the repeated grid, and
populate the fields there using what is returned by one of your services? If
so, unfortunately this isn't supported, and we have the following RFE to
cover this:

<a href="https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1298" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Forbeon%2Forbeon-forms%2Fissues%2F1298\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNFvtfzyB2QUlC9PX1i9QL_oBACJjg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Forbeon%2Forbeon-forms%2Fissues%2F1298\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNFvtfzyB2QUlC9PX1i9QL_oBACJjg&#39;;return true;">https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1298


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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

I have already created the http service who gives me the list of objects.
Object contains different differednt fields like: first Name, last Name,
etc. I just wanted to bind that data to repeated grid. I don't know how to
bind the data in repeated grid using orbeon form builder.

My App Example:

1) There is sync button in the form when we press the Sync button, It will
trigger the action and this action call the HTTP service.
2) I have retrieved the data(list of objects) By HTTP Service and data is in
JSON format.
3) After HTTP service returns, I have set the data from  Advance
tab-->Actions: Action
    Editor,"Service Action Response" -->
Administrator","organizationName":"Ekualiti Institution","city":"San
{firstName=Behavioral}, {firstName=Art}]","division":"Office of Research
Diego","faxNumber":"102-456-2067","street1":"2020 Camino del Rio
N.","street2":"Suite 767","state":"CA","department":"Accounting
Office","email":"[hidden email]","nsfId":""}]}

4) above Data dump is available. where "keypesrons" used for the repeated
grid. and rest of the data is single instance of a field.
5) single instance fields will be populated. But, "Keypersons" repeated grid
data not be display. I don't know how to display the repeated grid fields
Form :  NSF_keyperson_form.png

Below, I have attached the single field mapping entry in Action Editor of
Orbeon form builder.
PFA-  single_field.png

Can you please tell me How can i bind the data in repeated grid of Orbeon

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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Ashish,

Again, have you seen the RFE mentioned earlier (also linked below)?
Currently, you can populate fields based on the data returned by a service,
but not if those fields are in a repeated grid (or repeated section). Does
this RFE correspond to what you're trying to do?



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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

Hi Alex,

I saw the RFE linked in your reply. And it's the same what we need.

Is there no way we can populate the fields of the repeated grid? Not even using custom XForms code? It would do if custom XForms code can accomplish it. If so can you please give a simple example?


On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 11:09:20 PM UTC+5:30, Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Hi Ashish,

Again, have you seen the RFE mentioned earlier (also linked below)?
Currently, you can populate fields based on the data returned by a service,
but not if those fields are in a repeated grid (or repeated section). Does
this RFE correspond to what you're trying to do?

<a href="https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1298" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Forbeon%2Forbeon-forms%2Fissues%2F1298\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNFvtfzyB2QUlC9PX1i9QL_oBACJjg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Forbeon%2Forbeon-forms%2Fissues%2F1298\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNFvtfzyB2QUlC9PX1i9QL_oBACJjg&#39;;return true;">https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1298


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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Kush,

Yes, it could be done programmatically in XForms, but I don't have an
example handy, and the time it takes to create custom code goes beyond what
I can afford to spend on this community forum. We do offer  Dev Support
packages <https://www.orbeon.com/services>  , if that option is something
that could work for you. Alternatively, you or someone in your team could
invest in learning XForms, or we could implement #1298 for you as a
sponsored feature, also as part of a Dev Support package.


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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

Alessandro  Vernet
Also, I've added a +1 from you on  #1298
<https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1298>  .


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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

In reply to this post by Alessandro Vernet
Hi Alex,

We've decided to implement this feature by ourselves. I've started to learn the basics about XForms. The 'Edit Source' in the Advanced Tab would be of great help to learn the structure of the web form.


On Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 3:16:09 AM UTC+5:30, Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Hi Kush,

Yes, it could be done programmatically in XForms, but I don't have an
example handy, and the time it takes to create custom code goes beyond what
I can afford to spend on this community forum. We do offer  Dev Support
packages <<a href="https://www.orbeon.com/services" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.orbeon.com%2Fservices\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNGVuN4VKgOzQcy2YjvSrB7C3tMMhw&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;https://www.google.com/url?q\x3dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.orbeon.com%2Fservices\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNGVuN4VKgOzQcy2YjvSrB7C3tMMhw&#39;;return true;">https://www.orbeon.com/services>  , if that option is something
that could work for you. Alternatively, you or someone in your team could
invest in learning XForms, or we could implement #1298 for you as a
sponsored feature, also as part of a Dev Support package.


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Re: Repeated Grid Issue

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Kush,

Excellent, also, if you're adding XForms code, I'd recommend you do it, to
the extent it is possible, by adding it in an external file, instead of
adding it directly to the source of the form. You can find more about the
`oxf.fr.detail.model.custom.*.*` property on:



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