References to read only field not being updated

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References to read only field not being updated

Hello team,

I have a form with read only input fields whose value changes through the
ORBEON.xforms.Document.setValue function. The read only fields are
referenced by an xf:output element and displayed to the user. When the value
of the read only field changes, then the value of the output element should
get updated. But that is not the case. The value of the output element stays
the same. This error doesn't happen with input fields that aren't marked as
read only, and it doesn't happen with xf:setvalue. It only happens if the
value is changed with ORBEON.xforms.Document.setValue.

Could you help me resolve this issue?



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Re: References to read only field not being updated

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Natasa,

This is because Orbeon Forms prevents the value of read-only fields from
being changed by any "event" coming from a browser. If that wasn't the case,
a malicious user could run that `setValue()`, say from the Chrome Dev Tools,
and thus modify a read-only field.

What is your logic for running the `setValue()`? I'm asking as I'm thinking
that it might be more secure for that logic to be written in XForms and use
an `xf:setvalue`.


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