Numeric format ?

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Numeric format ?


We would like to add a numeric format to some input, but with spaces instead of coma between thousands in big numbers.

An exemple of what we're doing so far:

<xf:input xxf:maxlength="5" xxf:format="if(. castable as xs:decimal) then (translate(format-number(xs:decimal(.), '###,##0.###'),',',' ')) else(.)"/>

When we put a value in this, like "1500", it's working well: it displays "1 500", and in eXist, the recorded value is "1500"

The issue is when we want to correct the value, or just when we focus again on the input field, the space remains; consequently, we have to manualy remove the space to add a fifth number (because of the maxlenght); and if we just remove a 0, the format doesn't apply (because of the space).

To sum up, we would like to have the same behavior as the fr:number compnent, but with ' ' instead of ','

Any idea ?


I tried this trick, but it doesn't work either :(

<xf:input id="control-1-control" bind="control-1-bind"
                                          xxf:maxlength="5+string-length(.) - string-length(translate(., ' ', ''))"
                                          xxf:format="if(translate(.,' ','') castable as xs:decimal) then (translate(format-number(xs:decimal(translate(.,' ','')), '###,##0.###'),',',' ')) else(.)"/>

Thanks !

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Re: Numeric format ?

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Lomobob,

Have you tried using the fr:number component? Amongst other things, it allows you to change the grouping separator with (you want space instead of coma). For more on this see:

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