International characters

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International characters


I am tracking this issue forward but I progress quiet slowly. Here is where I currently am (the logs below were put in these places with the assumption that the characters get corrupted between two  calls as seen from the pipeline codes, therefore I tried to find an exit point and an entry point in debug messages):

I put a log message in (under the XForms.output.element package) in "public void end(){}"
where it pushes the $instance element as a hidden field. The instance with my miserable characters are OK.

Next I put a log message inside constructor after the lines:
                    // Parse XML and store as instance
                    LocationSAXContentHandler saxContentHandler = new LocationSAXContentHandler();
                    XMLUtils.stringToSAX(xmlText, null, saxContentHandler, false);
                    instance = saxContentHandler.getDocument();
and logged instance here as well.

The characters at this point are no more OK.

Have you got some hints that could help me get closer to where the characters get mixed up ?


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Re: International characters

Erik Bruchez
[hidden email] wrote:
 > Hello,
 > I am tracking this issue forward but I progress quiet slowly. Here
 > is where I currently am (the logs below were put in these places
 > with the assumption that the characters get corrupted between two
 > calls as seen from the pipeline codes, therefore I tried to find an
 > exit point and an entry point in debug messages):
 > I put a log message in (under the XForms.output.element
 > package) in "public void end(){}" where it pushes the $instance
 > element as a hidden field. The instance with my miserable characters
 > are OK.
 > Next I put a log message inside constructor
after the lines:
 >                     // Parse XML and store as instance
 >                     LocationSAXContentHandler saxContentHandler = new
 >                     XMLUtils.stringToSAX(xmlText, null,
saxContentHandler, false);
 >                     instance = saxContentHandler.getDocument();
 > and logged instance here as well.
 > The characters at this point are no more OK.
 > Have you got some hints that could help me get closer to where the
 > characters get mixed up ?

Can you see whether the "xmlText" string is ok? In which case, that
would point to XMLUtils.stringToSAX() as the culprit.


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Re: International characters

In reply to this post by mob-2

It is almost certain that Bas64 encoding does something wrong. I modified XFormsUtils as the followings:

- xmlAsString is OK
- the log saying .../decoded:... is no more OK
- then I left out gzip and simply Base64 coded and decoded and printed the result which was also wrong.

From the above I assumed that the issue has to be with Bas64 encoding. The strange thing is the error is not deterministical - the same document fed into a command line test utility I wrote is not necessarily wrong.

Have some ideas what next ?


public static String instanceToString(PipelineContext pipelineContext, String password, Document instance) {
        try {
        String xmlAsString = XMLUtils.domToString(instance); //mob"mob->(XFormsUtils::instanceToString, instance="+xmlAsString); //mob
            ByteArrayOutputStream gzipByteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = null;
            gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(gzipByteArray);
            // gzipOutputStream.write(XMLUtils.domToString(instance).getBytes("UTF-8")); //mob commented out
            gzipOutputStream.write(xmlAsString.getBytes("UTF-8")); // mob replaced above with this one
            String compressed = Base64.encode(gzipByteArray.toByteArray());
  "mob/XFormsUtils::instanceToString()/compressed->"+compressed); //mob
  "mob/XFormsUtils::instanceToString()/decoded:"+XFormsUtils.decode(compressed)); //mob
            String base64string = Base64.encode(xmlAsString.getBytes("UTF-8")); //mob
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(base64string)); //mob
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; //mob
            int size;
            StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); //mob
            try {
                   while ((size = != -1)
                       xml.append(new String(buffer, 0, size, "UTF-8"));
         "mob/XFormsUtils::instanceToString()/base64encode+decode->:"+xml.toString()); //mob
            } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            return XFormsUtils.isHiddenEncryptionEnabled()
                ? SecureUtils.encrypt(pipelineContext, password, compressed)
                : compressed;
        } catch (IOException e) {

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Re: Re: International characters

Erik Bruchez

This is surprising since Base64 encoding only deals with bytes, not
characters. Could there be an issue with the end of the string? Does
your character encoding issue occur with characters at the end of the


[hidden email] wrote:

> Hello,
> It is almost certain that Bas64 encoding does something wrong. I modified XFormsUtils as the followings:
> - xmlAsString is OK
> - the log saying .../decoded:... is no more OK
> - then I left out gzip and simply Base64 coded and decoded and printed the result which was also wrong.
> From the above I assumed that the issue has to be with Bas64 encoding. The strange thing is the error is not deterministical - the same document fed into a command line test utility I wrote is not necessarily wrong.
> Have some ideas what next ?
> regards,
> Balazs
> ***********************
> public static String instanceToString(PipelineContext pipelineContext, String password, Document instance) {
>         removeXXFormsAttributes(instance);
>         try {
>         String xmlAsString = XMLUtils.domToString(instance); //mob
>"mob->(XFormsUtils::instanceToString, instance="+xmlAsString); //mob
>             ByteArrayOutputStream gzipByteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>             GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = null;
>             gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(gzipByteArray);
>             // gzipOutputStream.write(XMLUtils.domToString(instance).getBytes("UTF-8")); //mob commented out
>             gzipOutputStream.write(xmlAsString.getBytes("UTF-8")); // mob replaced above with this one
>             gzipOutputStream.close();
>             String compressed = Base64.encode(gzipByteArray.toByteArray());
>   "mob/XFormsUtils::instanceToString()/compressed->"+compressed); //mob
>   "mob/XFormsUtils::instanceToString()/decoded:"+XFormsUtils.decode(compressed)); //mob
>             String base64string = Base64.encode(xmlAsString.getBytes("UTF-8")); //mob
>             ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decode(base64string)); //mob
>             byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; //mob
>             int size;
>             StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); //mob
>     try {
>            while ((size = != -1)
>                xml.append(new String(buffer, 0, size, "UTF-8"));
>  "mob/XFormsUtils::instanceToString()/base64encode+decode->:"+xml.toString()); //mob
>     } catch (IOException e) {
>     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
>     e.printStackTrace();
>     }
>             return XFormsUtils.isHiddenEncryptionEnabled()
>                 ? SecureUtils.encrypt(pipelineContext, password, compressed)
>                 : compressed;
>         } catch (IOException e) {
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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