How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

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How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

I try to do it like this:

noattachement.PNG I 

Is there any better solution?

The other problem is that if I add an attachment, the warning won't go away

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Re: How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

Jarosław Kowalewski
You have to change the rule. In the formula, you have to write a condition that is positive for your case. 
You want to have ./@size > 0. In the message field, you write the message will be displayed when a condition is not meet.

wt., 16 lut 2021 o 15:22 Władysław Czaja <[hidden email]> napisał(a):
How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

I try to do it like this:

noattachement.PNG I 

Is there any better solution?

The other problem is that if I add an attachment, the warning won't go away

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Re: How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

@Jarek,  ./@size > 0   was causing  Cannot convert string "" to a double   

I corrected: number(./@size) > 0 and now I have not errors.

Thanks for your help.

wtorek, 16 lutego 2021 o 15:52:28 UTC+1 Jarek napisał(a):
You have to change the rule. In the formula, you have to write a condition that is positive for your case. 
You want to have ./@size > 0. In the message field, you write the message will be displayed when a condition is not meet.

wt., 16 lut 2021 o 15:22 Władysław Czaja <[hidden email]> napisał(a):
How to make a warning that the user has not attached an attachment?

I try to do it like this:

noattachement.PNG I 

Is there any better solution?

The other problem is that if I add an attachment, the warning won't go away

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