Colspan - a much delayed feature

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Colspan - a much delayed feature

It would be so nice to have this as a feature.

I know it is in your list at but it seems to be put off again and again. Is it particularly hard to add or is it just not asked for often enough :-)

The rowspan support is nice but really needs to be complemented with colspan. That would make laying out complicated forms so much easier for our customers.

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Re: Colspan - a much delayed feature

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Brian,

Yes! I agree. Every time we do a release, "a few" features we had hoped to be able to implement need to be pushed to the next release, and it seems that support for colspan is one that is repeatedly pushed. Until a customer sponsors the feature (in which case we "have" to do it!), all I can say is that we'll try our best, but can't make any guarantee. Hopefully 2017.2 will be the one :).

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